Embracing Change
How it began.
Fundamental changes in the way legal services are being provided, the needs of our clients, and the economic conditions that impact businesses of all types, caused us to question how exit planning, succession planning and ESOP services are being delivered. We began by learning how businesses of all types are becoming smarter in this new environment. By smarter, we mean that new ideas and technology are being infused into the systems and processes that make companies and the people in them work more efficiently and make better decisions for themselves and for their clients. Whether they make computers, cars, appliances, green power, electronic components, clothes, smart homes or smart phones, these companies, and their forward-thinking leaders, were finding better, more cost efficient and more quality driven ways to meet the needs of their people, their companies and their clients.
It immediately became very clear to us that these companies represented the Next Generation of businesses. They are visionary companies that are continuously evolving to become smarter in a changing world, and they created the inspiration and blueprint for Next Generation ESOP Plus®. Even when our firm was still in the conceptual stage, we knew we needed to deliver unique value to meet your unique needs whether you own or direct a family owned business in a local market or a multi billion dollar organization with global markets. The needs of these businesses vary, but our focus on bringing flexible, smarter solutions to meet your diverse needs had to remain consistent.
Never stand still.
Historically, law firms have seldom been at the forefront of industries being transformed by technology, innovation, research and advanced business models. Some clients believe that a fundamental misalignment of interests exists between their businesses which are driven to improve efficiency, manage expenses and deliver results, and lawyers who are compensated by the time it takes them to complete a task rather than the value they produce.
All of us at ESOP Plus® are inspired by this challenge, and are using this opportunity to fuel a critical process of change and the development of a more efficient, value-driven and client-centric business model. We see change as not only a necessity, but as an opportunity to build something better.
We realize that to effectively evolve in a changing environment, we must listen to those most impacted by our decisions – you, our clients. We regularly review our understanding of your their markets, your objectives and your challenges.
ESOP Plus® consistently explores ways to manage cost and improve productivity and efficiency for your benefit. We believe that collaboration is the business imperative of our time, and we see great value in consistently improving our ability to better control how information and knowledge is generated and distributed.
Most importantly, ESOP Plus® is committed to providing and supporting a value model that can not only deliver a legal solution, but can deliver a legal solution that can impact the success of your business in profound ways.
Next-generation value is about the continuous, dynamic infusion of new ideas into traditional patterns so that goods and services always work in the interest of purchasers as the business environment changes. We tailor our services to adapt to your needs in a changing environment with due regard for legacy principles. As a result we deliver added value to you more precisely, more effectively and at lower cost. We do this by harnessing better fiscal, intellectual and personal practices and using them to your greatest benefit.
Next generation value is the continuously changing application of technology and business intelligence that works in your interest. We’ve designed ESOP Plus® this way because delivering smarter solutions to our clients requires a profound shift in management and governance from the typical ESOP firm, and it fills a critical void left by these firms in this new, 21st Century economy.
The Next Generation ESOP Plus® model isn’t a metaphor or a vision, it’s a reality, and it’s supported by new ways of working, thinking, solving problems and creatingopportunities for our clients, based not just on the dynamics of a smarter world, but also on the realities of their world.